
读拼音,写汉字。shǎngcúnzhōufúfēngjiǎnshèǒu欣保欧仿蜜查计然 答案:【1】赏【2】存【3】洲【4】佛【5】蜂【6】检【7】设【8】偶用所给短语的适当形式填空。(10分)take care of;   take…out of;  hide oneself;  at least;  frighten be willing to;   keep a secret;  vote for;   be afraid of;   say a bad word1. Amy is a true friend. I can tell her anything because she can _____________.2. I _________Max .he can to be our monitor. Because he is very excellent (优秀)3. There are _______ seven hundred students in our school.4. Who _________ the little boy just now? He’s crying all the time.5. You are not strong, so you should learn_________ yourself well.6. Don’t _______ the fish __________ the water. They can’t live without water.7. The robber tried _________________in the house but was caught soon after.8. Most children ___________ snakes.9. .Betty is generous. she ___________share things with her friends.10.She is kind and never ____________ about anyone.
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