
1. 详细信息
The country is India. A large dinner party is being given in an up-country station by ac olonial official and his wife. The guests are army and government officers and their wives, and an American naturalist.
At one side of the long table, a spirited discussion springs up between a young girl and an army officer. The girl insists women have long outgrown the jumping-on-a-chair-at-the-sight-of-a-mouse era, and that they are not as anxious as their grandmothers were. The officer says they are, arguing women haven't the actual nerve control of men.
“A woman's reaction in any crisis,” the officer says, “is to scream. And while a man may feel like it, he has that ounce more of control than a woman has. ”
The American scientist does not join in the argument but sits and watches the faces of the other guests. As he stares, he sees a slight, though strange look of anxiety come over the face of the hostess. With a small gesture she summons the servant standing behind her chair. She whispers to him. The servant's eyes widen. He turns quickly and leaves the room. No one else sees this, nor the servant when he puts a bowl of milk on the balcony outside the glass doors.
The American understands. In India, milk in a bowl means only one thing. It is bait fora snake. He realizes there is a cobra in the room. The American's eyes move across the room but he sees nothing. He realizes the snake can only be in one place - under the table.
His first reaction is to jump back and warn the others. But he knows any sudden movement will frighten the cobra and it will strike. He speaks quickly, the quality of his voice so arresting that it quietens everyone. “I want to know just what control everyone at this table has. I will count three hundred - that's five minutes - and not one of you is to move a single muscle. Now! Ready!”
The 20 people sit like stone images while he counts. He is saying “…two hundred and eighty…”. when, out of the corner of his eye, he sees the snake emerge and make for the bowl of milk. Four or five screams ring out as he jumps to slam shut the balcony doors.
“There is your proof!” the host says. “A man has just shown us real control.”
“Just a minute,” the American says, turning to his hostess, “How did you know that cobra was in the room?”
A faint smile comes across the woman's face as she replies. “Because it was lying across my foot.”
【1】What is the argument between the army officer and the young girl about?
A. Whether women are afraid of mice.
B. Whether men are calmer than women.
C. Whether men are cleverer than women.
D. Whether women would make suitable soldiers.
【2】Why is the servant asked to put out some milk?
A. To play a trick.
B. To serve the guests.
C. To attract the snake .
D. To feed the hostess's pet.
【3】Why does the scientist suggest the guests play a game?
A. He doesn't want anyone to panic.
B. He intends to test the officer's theory.
C. He sees there was a snake in the room.
D. He wants to entertain the other guests.
【4】What does the author imply through the hostess's final statement?
A. The army officer's opinion is wrong.
B. The hostess understood the American's intention.
C. The American was surprised by the snake's presence.
D. The hostess has had previous experience dealing with snakes.
2. 详细信息

【1】What caused musicals to move in a new direction during the 1930's?
A. The development of new musical instruments.
B. The audience s demand for more realistic art forms.
C. The rising popularity of other types of entertainment.
D. The greater acceptance of black performers by white audiences.
【2】In which period did musical theatre become more complex and dramatic?
A. Pre - 1900. B. 1900- 1929.
C. 1940- 1949. D. 1950- 1959.
【3】What can be reasonably inferred about the musical West Side Story?
A. It told its story in a new way.
B. It was based on a true story.
C. It was a non-Broadway show.
D. It was not very successful at first.
3. 详细信息
In 1874 Francis Galton, a British professor, analysed a sample of English scientists and found the vast majority to be first-born sons. This led him to theorise that first-born children enjoyed a special level of attention from their parents that allowed them to advance intellectually. Half a century later Alfred Adler, an Austrian psychologist, made a similar argument relating to personality. First-born children, he suggested, were more diligent, while the later-born were more outgoing and emotionally stable. Many subsequent studies have explored these ideas, but their findings have been varied - some supporting and some rejecting the original conclusions.
The main problem with the previous studies is that they were too small - often limited to a few dozen individuals. This would be true even if the statistical methods needed to analyse the data were simple, but they are not. Distinguishing birth-order effects from those caused by family size complicates matters, meaning still bigger samples must be analysed to obtain meaningful results.
To overcome the limitation of these earlier studies, German social scientist Dr. Helmet Schmukle and his colleagues analysed three huge sets of data from America, Britain and Germany. These data sets, though collected for other purposes, included personality and intelligence tests on 20, 186 people at different stages of their lives. The American tests were on individuals aged between 29 and 35. The British tests were conducted on 50-year-olds. The German tests ran the whole span of adult life, from 18 to 98.
Birth order, they found, had no effect on personality: first-borns were no more, nor less, likely than their younger siblings to be hardworking, outgoing or anxious. But it did affect intelligence. In a family with two children, the first child was more intelligent than the second 60% of the time, rather than the 50% that would be expected by chance. On average, this translated to a difference of 1.5 IQ points between first and second siblings. That figure agrees with previous studies, and thus looks confirmed.
It is, nevertheless, quite a small difference - and whether it is enough to account for Galton's original observation is unclear. In any event, it is certainly not deterministic. Galton was the youngest of nine.
【1】Alfred Adler concluded that first-born children were ________.
A. more stable
B. more sociable
C. more intelligent
D. more hardworking
【2】What does the underlined “they” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. The data.
B. The analyses.
C. The previous studies.
D. The statistical methods.
【3】Why was Schmukle's study considered superior to previous research?
A. It involved a wider age range.
B. It had a much larger sample size.
C. It included a larger number of countries.
D. It was conducted over a longer period of time.
【4】Why does the author mention Galton's family background in the last paragraph?
A. To confirm Galton's difficult upbringing.
B. To suggest Galton's theory may not be correct.
C. To compare his experience with Galton's parents.
D. To explain why Galton was interested in birth order.
4. 详细信息
Photography has opened our eyes to a multitude of beauties, things we literally could not have seen before the invention of the frozen image. It has greatly expanded our notion of what is beautiful, what is aesthetically(审美上) pleasing. Items formerly considered trivial, and not worth an artist's paint, have been revealed and honored by the photograph: things as ordinary as a fence post, a chair, a vegetable. And as technology has developed, photographers have explored completely new points of view: those of the microscope, the eagle, the cosmos.
What is it that delights the human eye and allows us to claim that a photograph is beautiful? Photography depends on the trinity of light, composition, and moment. Light literally makes the recording of an image possible, but in the right hands, light in a photograph can make the image soar. The same is true with composition. What the photographer chooses to keep in or out of the frame is all that we will ever see - but that combination is vital. And the moment that the shutter is pressed, when an instant is frozen in time, provides the whole image with meaning. When the three - light, composition, and moment - are in balance, there is visual magic.
Light, composition, and moment come together in a photograph to bring us the ultimate reality: a view of the world unknown prior to the invention of the camera. Before photography, the basic artistic rules of painting were rarely broken. Images were made to please, not to capture reality. But as photography evolved, painterly rules were often reacted in the pursuit of fresh vision. Photographers became interested in the real world, good and bad, and it was the accidental detail that was celebrated. Photography invited the world to see with new eyes - to see photographically - and all of the arts have drawn new inspiration from this change.
With these basic aesthetic tools, photographers have evolved from scientists longing to “fix” an image — any image — to artistic revolutionaries. Photographs have created a new way of seeing, changed our ideas of beauty and, most importantly, made art more democratic. They have given us visual proof that the world is grander than we imagined, and that there is beauty, often overlooked,
in nearly everything.
【1】Before the invention of photography, which of the following was least likely to appear in an artistic work?
A. A great person.
B. A lovely insect.
C. A grand building.
D. A beautiful landscape.
【2】What is the function of paragraph 2?
A. To argue that photographic beauty is subjective.
B. To explain the evolution of the concept of beauty.
C. To describe the elements that make a successful photo.
D. To illustrate different types of photographic techniques.
【3】How has photography affected other art forms?
A. It has reduced their popularity.
B. It has forced them to change their rules.
C. It has changed their methods of composition.
D. It has provided them with new points of view.
【4】What does the author mean by saying photography has “made art more democratic" ?
A. It has expanded the concept of artistic beauty.
B. It has challenged the status of traditional art forms.
C. It has enabled the development of new artistic tools.
D. It has allowed more people to take part in creative activities.
5. 详细信息
What is culture?
Culture is too complex to define in simple terms.【1】 One is that culture is a total pattern of behaviour that is consistent in its components. Another fundamental is that culture is learned behaviour. The third is that culture is behaviour that is shared by a group of people.
To understand the culture of a particular country or region, one could examine its components, among which are material culture, language, and social organisation. Material culture includes the tools and symbols in a society, not including those physical things found in nature, unless they have undergone some change or have been given meaning by people. 【2】The way we consume and what we consume are heavily influenced by material culture.
【3】 Linked with all other aspects of culture, it reflects the nature and values of that culture. Industrialised societies have a rich vocabulary for commercial and industrial activities, while less industrialised societies may have richer vocabularies for matters important to their societies. The Eskimos in Alaska have many words to describe snow whereas English has only one general term.
Social organisation differs somewhat from society to society. The primary kind of community association is based on blood ties. 【4】. It provides mutual protection, psychological support, and a kind of economic insurance or social security for its members. The term "brothers" in Zaire includes those whom we call cousins and uncles.
Cultural analysis serves a variety of purposes. Understanding the various dimensions and their inter- relatedness helps promote cross-cultural awareness. 【5】
A. Some scholars even suggest that it is useless to try.
B. Language is the most obvious difference between cultures.
C. However, there are certain agreed- on fundamentals that can be easily identified.
D. The values represented within a culture can also change with the passing of time.
E. For example, a mouse running on a street is not part of a culture, but the Mickey Mouse is.
F. In many developing countries, the extended family fulfills several social and economic roles.
G. It leads on to the promotion of goodwill, social and economic planning and harmony between social groupings or societies.
6. 详细信息
Always wished the Earth had a second moon? Then you will be _______ to hear that the Chengdu Aerospace Science Institute has plans to launch multiple mini moons over the next few years.
Similar to our _______ satellite, the light of the artificial orb (球体) will be obtained from the sun and ______ to Earth by its mirror-like coating. According to its designers, the ______ of light being reflected can be controlled from Earth and the light can even be _______, if necessary.
While the multiple mini moons will certainly appear picturesque, their main purpose is to conserve _______ The Chengdu Aerospace experts claim the mini moon's dusk-like glow will allow the government to eventually ______ costly streetlights in cities. They estimate that using the artificial satellite to light up Chengdu's streets at night will ______ the city 1.2 billion yuan anally. Since the orb's location can be ______ moved, it could also be used to shine light over disaster-struck areas that have lost _______
Once the first mini moon is ______ successfully, the experts plan to launch three _____ ones. Together, the satellites, which will take turns depending on their _______ in relation to the sun, are expected to ______an area of 3,600 to 6,400 square kilometers. While the orbs will be ______ through a telescope from anywhere on the globe, their real beauty will only be seen by visiting Chengdu. Officials, ______, believe they will be a huge tourist attraction, helping improve the city's ______.
As is often the case with major ______, some experts are concerned. They ______ that the moons will impact on the sleep patterns of humans and animals. However, officials believe the satellites will cause little, if any, ______.
【1】A. pleased B. surprised C. alarmed D. relieved
【2】A. traditional B. unique C. natural D. famous
【3】A. carried B. reflected C. introduced D. transformed
【4】A. colour B. speed C. source D. amount
【5】A. sent out B. switched off C. given away D. turned down
【6】A. resources B. animals C. farmland D. space
【7】A. rebuild B. expand C. improve D. remove
【8】A. bring B. leave C. save D. cost
【9】A. hardly B. easily C. frequently D. normally
【10】A. money B. home C. contact D. power
【11】A. travelling B. appearing C. working D. signaling
【12】A. additional B. special C. bright D. colourful
【13】A. size B. importance C. position D. function
【14】A. pick up B. take up C. hold up D. light up
【15】A. reliable B. visible C. available D. testable
【16】A. therefore B. however C. otherwise D. moreover
【17】A. population B. education C. evolution D. conflict
【18】A. drawback B. breakthroughs C. technology D. economy
【19】A. doubt B. conclude C. worry D. agree
【20】A. disturbance B. destruction C. satisfaction D. discussion
7. 详细信息
A grape seed that falls into the soil of Xinjiang is very fortunate, as Xinjiang is 【1】 (well)suited for growing grapes than anywhere else. Here, a grape seed can grow to its full potential. 【2】 its high altitudes(海拔), long periods of dry weather and abundant sunshine, Xinjiang produces fruits with extremely high sugar content. Every fall, a large number of grapes【3】(ship) from Xinjiang to other parts of China, and the rest are made into raisins for easy storage.
In the vineyards of Moyu, thanks to the hot and dry climate that 【4】 (result) from being surrounded by the desert, huge quantities of large and 【5】 (juice) grapes with very thin skins are produced. These grapes bring wealth as well as their delicious 【6】 (sweet) to the locals.
In mid- September, 【7】 their Seedless White grapes ripen, local farmers are busy picking grapes to be transported to other parts of the country. Bunches of glowing white grapes hang on the vines, waiting to be picked. If you pick one and put 【8】 in your mouth, you will 【9】(sure) never forget the wonderful taste produced by the 【10】(burn) sun and the desert wind of southern Xinjiang.
8. 详细信息
It was a still and quiet morning on the lake. There was no human voices or cars to break the silent. It was a perfect day for fishing.
We sat at there, afraid to talk, thinking fish would hear us and flee. My father, hold our lunch begin one hand, passed me a sandwich. It was terrible hot and clouds of mosquito were feasting on my blood. With my legs covering with bite marks, I complained, “When will the fish come?”
Suddenly I felt a fish bite. My father became so excited as 1 was, and together we pulled in the fish that would be part of us dinner that night.
9. 详细信息
Alethea [ə'li:θiə]的含义是:真实;诚实。
2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。