
1.My grandma likes to be with the young though she is in her _________ now. 2.Those __________ books will be donated to the schools in poor areas. 3.It is difficult work, but the sense of _________ is huge. 4.The patient is getting much better after the operation and now she can look after _________. 5.To make a green world, we should try to reduce air _________ by walking more and driving less.下列四个命题中,是真命题的是(   )A.两条直线被第三条直线所截,内错角相等.B.如果∠1和∠2是对顶角,那么∠1=∠2.C.三角形的一个外角大于任何一个内角.D.无限小数都是无理数.
英语 试题推荐