
Welcome to Franklin Hotel! We will make your stay here as enjoyable as possible. We hope we will give you the best service.★Room Service: You can use the service 24 hours a day.★Dining Room: You can have three meals a day in the dining room. Breakfast is from 8:00 to 9:30. Also the room waiter may bring breakfast to your room at any time after 7:00 . If you need, please fill in a card and hang it outside your room before 6:00. Lunch is from 12:00 to 14:00. Dinner is from 18:30 to 20:30.★Telephone: There is a telephone in your room. Dial “0” before you make a call. We will tell you to7、下列分解因式错误的是(  )A、15a2+5a=5a(3a+1)B、-x2-y2=-(x2-y2)=-(x+y)(x-y)C、k(x+y)+x+y=(k+1)(x+y)D、1-a2-b2+2ab=(1+a-b)(1-a+b)
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