
I learned to play on a piano purchased at Grinnell Brothers in Detroit.My brothers and sisters were taking lessons and I   41_ to play,too.“You’re  42_  young,” I heard over and over.But when I began playing my sister’s  43_  by heart from hearing her practice,they  44_  me begin.I was four.What joy and comfort I found at those  45_  .If I had a rough day at school,I played ragtime hard and loud  46_  my frustration(挫折) was gone,then I calmed myself with Mozart until I was   47_   to face the world.The day I lost my first child,and my dad was 组成星球的物质是靠引力吸引在一起的,这样的星球有一个最大的自转速率.如果超过了该速率,星球的万有引力将不足以维持其赤道附近的物体做圆周运动.由此能得到半径为R、密度为ρ、质量为M且均匀分布的星球的最小自转周期T.下列表达式中正确的是 A.T=2π B.T=2π C.T= D.T=
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