
简介画家毕加索Picasso 出生于西班牙,1881, 死于1973. 十岁成为很出色的艺术家. 十六岁开始第一次画展. 是个立体派画家.. 最出名的画是:格尔尼卡( Guernica). 被认为是二十世纪西方最伟大的艺术家.   答案:Picasso was born in Spain in 1881 and died in 1973. At the age of ten, he was already an excellent artist. When he was 16, he had his first exhibition. He is a Cubist, whose most famous Cubist painting is: Guernica. He is regarded as the twentieth-century’s greatest westernartist.  下列关于玉米叶结构及其光合作用过程的叙述中正确的是            (   )A.叶肉细胞的叶绿体无基粒B.储存活跃化学能的化合物是ATPC.在维管束鞘细胞内合成淀粉D.光能转化为电能时,电子的最终受体是ATP和NADP+
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