
下列叙述错误的是 A.合金材料中可能含有非金属元素B.人造纤维,合成纤维和光导纤维都是有机分子化合物C.加热能杀死流感病毒是因为病毒的蛋白质受热变性D.在汽车排气管上加装“催化转化器”是为了减少有害气体的排放 答案:B  词语替换:从方框中选择单词或词组来替换下列句中横线部分。 1.Do you believe Santa Claus gives children many presents every year? 2.My mother gave me a red bicycle as a birthday gift last Sunday. 3.Can you help me find someone who is good at drawing? 4.I can't go to the cinema this evening because I have to prepare for the Chinese test. 5.Jessica has been in Shanghai since last week.
化学 试题推荐