
下列关于有机物的说法正确的是(    ) ①C5H12有2种同分异构体   ②甲烷和氯气光照条件下可制得纯净的一氯甲烷    ③乙烯、聚氯乙烯均能使溴的CCl4溶液褪色    ④乙醇、乙烷、乙酸都能和金属钠反应      ⑤乙醇、乙酸、乙酸乙酯都能发生取代反应    ⑥除去甲烷中含有的乙烯气体,可将混合气体通入装有酸性高锰酸钾溶液的洗气瓶中,再干燥      ⑦通过灼烧时的气味可区别蚕丝和人造丝    ⑧油脂在任何条件下的水解反应都叫皂化Just before Christmas 1978, Kenneth was a passenger in a car as it drove through the Navajo Nation. The night was dark, and the driver, an elderly woman,  41 and killed an eight-year-old boy.     Later, when he saw how sad the boy’s family were, Kenneth made a(n)  42 . He would “do  43 it takes to make  44 happy at Christmastime.”     A year later, at the age of 18, he was living with his mother and younger brother. They were  45 making ends meet on his low wages, but Kenneth bought a used Santa suit and went around  46 people as poor as himself to give candy and fruit for families even more needy.     Just before midnight on Christmas Eve, he went knocking on doors of  47 houses in the poorest section of the Navajo Nation. Many of the darkened homes didn’t have 48 .     Some families were  49 to open their doors so late at night. “It’s a man! He has a big bag!” he  50 a boy, holding up a lantern and watching  51 the curtains, tell his parents. Kenneth convinced them he was  52 .     At every opened door, he  53 candies, oranges, toys and so on. Many Navajo kids had never seen  54 before, so his old costume and store-bought beard didn’t  55 them. It touched Kenneth that the kids were excited by so  56 .     He  57 it up year after year, gathering more “elves (精灵)” to help him. His Christmas Eve  58  have grown into an annual Navajo feast with gifts of clothing, tools and toys for over 700 people. Kids who can’t   59 it to the event because they’re sick or lack transportation get a  60 visit from Kenneth or one of his elves.     “My grandfather taught me that you learn to be a man by sharing and by keeping promises,” he says. 41. A. struck           B. touched          C. found            D. stopped 42. A. conclusion       B. excuse              C. promise          D. effort 43. A. whichever        B. wherever         C. however         D. whatever 44. A. people          B. children         C. brothers         D. his mother 45. A. probably          B. almost          C. hardly          D. nearly 46. A. suggesting         B. persuading        C. requiring         D. calling 47. A. old                 B. big              C. bright          D. lonely 48. A. electricity          B. food             C. doors          D. windows 49. A. happy           B. angry            C. afraid          D. eager 50. A. thought          B. hoped            C. let              D. heard 51. A. out for              B. from behind       C. from under       D. out of 52. A. gentle            B. generous          C. harmless         D. helpful 53. A. reached for        B. put down         C. picked out D. handed out 54. A. Kenneth           B. candies           C. elves D. Santa Claus 55. A. disappoint          B. satisfy           C. attract           D. please 56. A. much             B. big              C. little             D. many 57. A. held             B. kept             C. gave             D. took 58. A. gifts             B. experiences        C. excitements       D. visits 59. A. make             B. do              C. get              D. have 60. A. usual             B. personal          C. normal          D. formal
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