
One morning I wasted nearly an hour watching a tiny ant carry a huge feather(羽毛). Several times, it  41  several obstacles(障碍) in its path. And after a momentary pause it would make the necessary detour (绕道).  42  one point, the ant had to cross a crack(裂缝) about 10mm wide. After some  43  thoughts, the ant laid the feather over the crack, walked   44   it and picked the feather up on the other side, then continued on its way. I was  45  by the cleverness of this ant. It was only a small insect, lacking in  46  yet equipped with a brain to reason, e材料一:魏主曰:“国家兴自北土,徙居平城,虽富有四海,文轨未一。此间用武之地,非可文治,移风易俗,信甚为难。崤函帝圣,河洛王里,因兹大举,光宅中原”。 ──引自《魏书》 材料二:孝文帝曰:“今欲断北语,一从正音。其年三十以上,习性已久,容不可卒草,三十以下见在朝廷之人,语言不听仍旧。若有故为,当加降黜,各宜深戒”。 ──引自《资治通鉴》 请回答: (1)两材料各自提出的中心问题是什么? (2)材料中的“平城”是今天哪个城市?“魏主”是谁?他决定将都城迁到哪里? (3)结合所学知识,你认为迁都的原因是什么? (4)说明材料二“北语”、“正音”各指什么? (5)材料反映的措施起了什么作用?
英语 试题推荐