
What is time? Is it a thing to be saved or spent or wasted, like money? Or is it something we have no control over, like the weather? Is time the same all over the world? That's an easy question, you say. Wherever you go, a minute is 60 seconds, an hour is 60 minutes, a day is 24 hours, and so forth. But in America, time is more than that. Americans see time as a valuable resource. Maybe that's why they are fond of the expression, Time is money. Because Americans believe time is a limited resource, they try to conserve and manage it. People in the U.S. often attend seminars or read books on ti下列对诗歌的理解不正确的一项是(3分) A.李白的《梦游天姥吟留别》的标题有“留别”二字,因此诗主要表达了诗人准备去吴越前夕与朋友的惜别之情,同时又抒写了自己对自由的神仙世界的追求。 B.张若虚的《春江花月夜》围绕“春”、“江”、“花”、“月”、“夜”布局谋篇,同时将宇宙人生进行对比:人有死生,只有代代相传才无穷尽;江上明月,却是长照万古。 C.苏轼的《定风波》中“一蓑烟雨任平生”的“烟雨”,不仅指自然界的风雨,也指政治上的风云变幻,由此可见作者面对仕途失意的镇定、从容、洒脱和旷达的心境。 D.辛弃疾的《青玉案》中“那人却在灯火阑珊处”中“那人”,是不在“蛾儿雪柳”之众、却独立在灯火阑珊处的美人,同时更是诗人自甘淡泊、不同流俗的自我写照。
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