
阅读下面文字,按要求答题。 玉树县第三完全小学在这次地震中91名学生、5名教师遇难,在极其困难的情况下学校已于4月24日复课。长庆中学学生会准备给这所学校的同学寄去一批童话书籍,并写一封简短的慰问信。请你代拟这封慰问信,要求语言连贯得体生动,感情真挚,100字左右。 答: 答案:你们好。知道你们在地震中蒙受了巨大的灾难,我们很悲痛。现在听说你们已经复课,我们为你们的顽强好学的精神感动。现在为你们寄去一批童话书籍,希望能给你们带来快乐,阳光总在风雨后,相信你们能渡过难关,迎接未来美好的生活!请阅读以下对五位名人的介绍,从(A)—(E)中找到与1—5题对应的内容,把名人介绍补充完整。 小词典:crosstalk master相声大师          moustache小胡子              satirize讽刺            inherit继承                                 technique技术                   industry工业 (A) He used to be an excellent pilot with fin experience of 1,350 hours’ flight.He is the first astronaut who flew in space in China.He has a dream that is to step on the moon.We are proud of him! (B) He did well in satirizing social problems and praising heroes.He not only inherited and developed the crosstalk,but also created his own art style.He contributed a lot to China’s crosstalk art. (C) He used to be dressed in a long suit.He smoked a lot while he was in deep thought.He hated the enemy,but he loved the people very deeply.He wrote a lot of novels and articles to fight against the enemy bravely. (D)     As a boy,he entered the children’s spots school and received a lot of strict training under his coach Sun Haiping.He won the gold medal in the 110-metre hurdles at the 28th Athens Olympic Games. (E) He devoted all his life to his research work.The success of his technique brought about a complete change in the Chinese printing industry.He was awarded as the yearly top scientist in 2001.
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