
(6分)右图是实验室制取气体常用的装置。⑴若用A装置制取氧气,反应的化学方程式为___________________________;⑵若用B装置制取氧气,反应的化学方程式为________________________;可用C装置收集氧气的依据是_______________;收集满氧气后,先将导管移出水面,再熄灭酒精灯的目的是______________;⑶若用D装置收集氧气,导管口要接近集气瓶底部的原因是_________,验证氧气已经收集满的方法是___________。3、China, the world’s largest tobacco producer and consumer, will ban all forms of tobacco promotion by January 2011. A ban on tobacco advertising has been in place since 1996, but firms have managed to sidestep the rules and promote their brands in other ways such as supporting sporting events, or using their logos without mentioning "cigarettes" on television, radio and in newspapers and magazines. Xu Guihua, vice-president of China Tobacco Control Association, made the landmark announcement on Monday in Guangghou. She said the country is committed to fulfill its obligations(义务) to the World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, of which China formally became a member last January. However, it is believed that China falls behind other countries in efforts to control the use of tobacco, and the biggest problem is the lack of national laws banning smoking in public areas. To date, fewer than half the cities have framed rules on smoking bans in some public spaces. Efforts to ban smoking in other areas such as bars and restaurants have been stopped by unwilling owners and managers who fear a loss of business. Figures from the Ministry of Health show that China has an estimated 350 million smokers, almost a third of the world. Cigarette makers spent more than 1.6 billion yuan to promote their brands last year, according to China Youth Daily. In 2005 the government collected 240 billion yuan in tobacco taxes. Yang Yah, a researcher with Chinese Center for Disease Prevention and Control, said 12 percent of deaths in China are caused by tobacco related illnesses, and by 2025, that figure will climb to 33 percent. 1. What does the underlined phrase “tobacco promotion” means? A. All kinds of tobacco advertisements. B. A ban on smoking in public areas. C. Tobacco advertisements on TV. D. The planting of Tobacco. 2. According to Xu Guihua, we can infer that         . A. China has much difficulty with tobacco control because it benefits a lot from tobacco taxes B. China became a member of WHO because it succeeded in banning smoking in public areas C. China is on the top list of countries which make great progress in tobacco control D. China must keep its promise to ban all forms of tobacco advertising as a member of the WHO 3. Why is it hard to ban smoking in public areas in China? A. Many people believe they can still live longer although they smoke. B. It is too difficult for many smokers to give up smoking. C. Many businessmen in public areas are afraid of losing smoking customers. D. The government fails to give a heavy fine to those smokers. 4. What’s the population of the world who smoke according to the passage? A. Over 1,050,000,000.                                  B. Less than 1,000,000,000. C. About 950,000,000.                             D. About 105,000,000. 5. Which of the following is True according to the passage? A. It is impossible to find a tobacco advertisement on TV now. B. Tobacco firms in China have spent much less on advertisement since 1996. C. One out of three deaths may be caused by smoking related illness in the future. D. The illness caused by smoking can all be cured with the development of medical science.
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