
称为“茶神”的唐朝人陆羽在《茶经》中说:“若邢瓷类银,越瓷类玉,邢不如越,一也。若邢瓷类雪,则越瓷类冰,邢不如越,二也。邢瓷白而茶色丹,越瓷青而茶色绿,邢不如越,三也。”据此可知①唐朝形成青、白两大制瓷系统 ②作者相对推崇越州青瓷 ③瓷制茶具成为茶道的重要组成部分 ④唐朝时期白瓷产量不如青瓷 A、①②③④          B、①②③            C、②③④             D、①③④用恰当的词语填空。完成对话。每空一词。D = doctor P = patient D: What's the matter with 1_________, young man? P: I cough day and night. I can't sleep well. D: Let me see. Open your 2_________and say "Ah". P: Is there anything wrong with my throat? D: No, 3_________serious. Do you smoke? P: Yes, These days I am smoking a lot. D: Don't smoke too much. It may 4_________ cancer.P: I see. I'll try to give up smoking. D: Well, take this medicine three 5_________a day and have a good rest.     You'll be all right soon. P: Thank you very much. D: You're welcome.
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