
Although hurricane season doesn't begin until June 1, a Pacific storm has already struck. El Salvador, which was ruined by a Caribbean storm in 1995, was hit by Hurricane Adrian on Friday. This is the first Pacific-born hurricane to ever reach land in this Central American country. Some 14,000 people left from the western coast of El Salvador. The storm weakened as it crossed land, heading east. Heavy rains created deadly flooding problems in the hurricane's wake. Adrian is the first Pacific storm of the season. It reported maximum continuous winds of 75 miles per hour, the minimum strength 阅读文言文《薛奎传》,完成后面小题薛奎,字宿艺,绛州正平人。进士及第,为隰州军事推官。州民常聚博僧舍,一日,盗杀寺奴取财去,博者适至,血偶涴①衣,逻卒捕送州,考讯诬伏。奎独疑之,白州缓其狱,后果得杀人者。徙仪州推官,尝部丁夫运粮至盐州,会久雨,粟麦渍腐,奎白转运卢之翰,请纵民还州而偿所失。之翰怒,欲劾奏之。奎徐曰:“用兵久,人疲转饷,今幸兵食有余,安用此陈腐以困民哉!”之翰意解,凡民所失,悉奏除之。(选自《宋史》)【注】①涴(音“握”):沾污1.下列句子朗读节奏划分不正确的一项是( )A. 为/隰州军事推官B. 盗杀/寺奴取财去C. 后/果得杀人者D. 会/久雨2.翻译文中划横线的句子奎独疑之,白州缓其狱,后果得杀人者。3.请结合文章内容谈谈你对薛奎认识。
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