
(16届江苏省江阴市华士实验中学九年级上学期第一次月考)阅读下面文段,回答后面题目。 为人宽厚,以和为贵 ①在日常的生活和学习中,我们经常看到一些人因为芝麻丁点儿的事而大动肝火,大打出手。与之形成对比的人则对于个人得失并不斤斤计较,他们胸襟坦荡,持有“以和为贵”的处世态度。 ②大凡在事业上有所成就的人,无不襟怀坦荡,大度宽宏,抱着以和为贵的处世态度修身、齐家、治国、平天下。战国时期的蔺相如为了国家的稳固I’m not a pet doctor. But one Sunday, I went to an animal hospital to help the there.I arrived at the hospital early in the morning. And there was already work to do: giving the pets food andwater, and even giving them kisses the heads. , they looked at me with frightened(惊恐的) eyes. A doctor would say to them, “Don’t worry. will be OK.” Some animals were for the doctor to check them.I washed a dog’s hurt leg. I worked to make sure I didn’t hurt him. I wished he know we were just trying to help him.It was a day and the work made me tired, but I was very happy. I knew I loved animals. And the animals knew I loved them. They my care with love!1.A. children B. doctors C. mice D. dogs2.A. no B. much C. little D. many3.A. on B. in C. beside D. with4.A. Ago B. Before C. Atfirst D. Then5.A. Something B. Nothing C. Somebody D. Everything6.A. looking B. waiting C. turning D. hoping7.A. quickly B. quietly C. carefully D. early8.A. could B. can C. had to D. must9.A. comfortable B. noisy C. wide D. long10.A. enjoyed B. hated C. stopped D. gave 
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