
已知2x+1的平方根是±5,则x= 答案:12 . 【考点】平方根. 【分析】依据平方根的定义可知2x+1=25,从而可求得x的值. 【解答】解:∵2x+1的平方根是±5, ∴2x+1=25. 解得:x=12. 故答案为:12. 【点评】本题主要考查的是平方根的定义,依据平方根的定义列出关于x的方程是解题的关键.3、My favorite hobby is reading. I like reading novels, 76.            newspapers, magazine and so on. When I was 9 years 77.            old ,I caught bad cold . I had to stay at home for several 78.            weeks. My mother bought to me some novels. Soon I 79.            was attracted by the stories. Since then I made use of my 80.            spare time to read. And reading does give me many help. 81.            Recently, I have surfed the internet at home ,on that I’ve 82.            found that many students like read as I do. We exchange 83.            our reading experience on line but we become good 84.            friends .Reading brings me all happiness and friendship. 85.           
数学 试题推荐