
 下列关于元素周期表的说法中,错误的是( ) A.元素周期表是元素按原子序数从小到大从左到右排列而成的 B.主族元素原子的电子层数等于其所在周期的周期序数 C.四、五、六周期中都含有18种元素,其中Ⅷ族中所含元素种类最多 D.元素周期表中有18列、16个族,且第二列中无非金属元素 答案:C根据短文内容,选择所给词汇(或词组)的适当形式填空,完成短文。 apply          charge       compare           give up      employ increase        offer       opportunity          prepare       risk     Backpacking, volunteering, discovering the world — taking a “gap year” used to be the dream of every school leaver in the UK. It was a(an) 71.               for school kids to grow up and become better 72.                 for college life. This year, however, thousands of UK high school graduates have 73.                  their gap year plans in order to go straight to university. Tuition fees are 74.                  next year in England and Wales, with some universities planning 75.                  three times as much as before. Students can 76.               for a university a year earlier and ask the university to “defer(延期)” or hold their place while they take a gap year. This year however, just 6000 18 year-olds have deferred an 77.                 of a place on a university course 78.                 with 20,000 last years according to university admissions service UCAS. Stuart Rees Jones, who is the founder of gap year company Camps International, is worried. “If students don't do a gap year, there’s a 79.                 they’ll have little to offer but a string of academic qualifications,” he told UK newspaper the Daily Mail. “What 80.                want are individuals. I have faith that future students will recognize this and want to do volunteer work. ”
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