
向一容积不变的密闭容器中充入一定量A和 B,发生如下反应:xA(g)+2B(s) ⇌yC(g) ΔH<0在一 定条件下,容器中A、C的物质的量浓度随时间变化的 曲线如图所示。请回答下列问题: (1) 根据图示可确定x∶y=________。   (2) 用A的浓度变化表示该反应在0~10 min内的平均反应速率v(A)=______________。 (3)0~10 min容器内压强________(填“变大”、“不变”或“变小”)。 (4)推测第10 min引起曲线变化的反应条件可能是________;第16 min引起曲线变化的反应条件可能是________Looking back on many years of education,I can identify one true teacher.She cared about me, and my intellectual life.She was an English teacher and also my mother.When______an essay,the good students usually dream of their teacher returning it to themin exactly the same____,except for a single comment "perfect ".This dream came true for me one afternoon in the ninth grade. Slightly as I was______that I had achieved perfection so early,I hurried off home to share the good news with my mother.She is just shy of five feet tall,______soft-spoken,but on the rare occasion when she got angry,she was______I’m not sue whether she was more upset by my prid____by the fact that my English teacher had let my pride get so ______.In any event,my mother and her pen showed me so many mistakes a perfect essay could have. At that time,I thought she was teaching me about structure,style and voice.However what I actually learned was a deeper lesson about the______of real criticism.Real criticism is not______to find obvious mistakes,so if she found______-the type I______have found on my own-I had to______from scratch.Once the essay was " perfect ",she would______an evening walking me______myerrors.That was when true criticism,which changed me into a real writer,began.She criticized me when I included little-known references and professional jargon(行话)She had no______forbrilliant but relevant figures of speech." Writers can bluff ( 虚张声势) their way through ignorance".she______my flowery language,drew lies through my exclamation marks(感叹号)and______the value of self-control in______"John",she almost whispered.I leaned in to hear her."I can't hear you when you______at me".So I stopped,and slowly my writing improved.Right now I've been teaching writing at Harvard for years but still______remember what my mother taught me.1.A. turning in B. giving in C. bringing in D. setting in2.A. position B. impression C. situation D. condition3.A. surprised B. shocking C. amazing D. confused4.A. generally B. casually C. abnormally D. actually5.A. terrible B. terrifying C. terrorist D. terminal6.A. than B. as C. or D. and7.A. out of hand B. out of order C. out of place D. out of reach8.A. character B. nature C. basics D. principles9.A. supposed B. assumed C. proposed D. condemned10.A. any B. some C. few D. many11.A. needed B. could C. ought D. must12.A. stop B. finish C. start D. repeat13.A. spare B. cost C. take D. spend14.A. through B. across C. over D. off15.A. reference B. existence C. conscience D. patience16.A. cut in B. cut out C. cut off D. cut up17.A. attained B. analyzed C. advocated D. advertised18.A. expression B. emotion C. composition D. consideration19.A. call B. read C. say D. shout20.A. much B. well C. very D. rather
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