
9《史记·货殖列传》记载,’(江南)地广人稀,饭稻羹鱼,或火耕而水褥……不待贾而足……无冻饿之人,亦无千金之家”这说明汉代江南的经济状况是①人烟稀少②耕作技术落后 ③商品交换不发达④贫富分化的程度较低 A. ①②③④  B. ②③④ C ①②  D ③④. 答案:A 解析: 本题考查学生对材料的阅读理解能力“地广人稀”可以得出①,“火耕而水褥”可以看出②,“不待贾而足”可以看出③,“无冻饿之人,亦无千金之家”可以看出是④。Snowy was a little cat. He lived with a little old lady who loved Snowy very much. Sometimes the old lady would sit in her rocking chair, rocking backwards and forwards until she fell asleep or sometimes she would play little tunes(曲子) on her piano.One sunny day, Snowy jumped up on the window sill(窗台). Snowy wanted to go out and play with the pretty butterflies, but the window was shut and the old lady had fallen asleep in her rocking chair.He ran to the door but that was shut, too. He sat down near the old lady's feet and said,“Miaou?” That was his way of saying, “May I go out to play, please?” The old lady didn't hear him but stayed fast asleep.He rubbed his soft head against the old lady's legs. Still the old lady slept. So Snowy sat down and thought hard. Then he had an idea. He would jump up on the piano and play a tune. That might wake her up. So Snowy jumped up onto the piano and was a little scared of the loud, big, deep drum sound he made as he landed.He took another little step. It wasn't quite such a loud note(调子). Up and down the notes he walked until he reached the very high notes which sounded like lots of bells. But the old lady woke up.“What are you doing, Snowy?” She asked but she wasn't angry. “Miaou,” said Snowy, running to the closed door. “How clever you are to wake me up by playing the piano!” said the old lady as she let Snowy out into the sunshine.1.Where did the old lady often fall asleep?(within 4 words)_________________2.What did Snowy want to do by jumping onto the window sill?(within 10 words)_________________3.What did Snowy jump on the piano to do?(within 10 words)_________________4.How did Snowy feel when he landed on the piano?(within 5 words)_________________5.What did the old lady do in the end?(within 10 words)_________________
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