
在t ℃时,将a g NH3完全溶于水,得到V mL溶液,假设该溶液的密度为ρ g·mL-1,溶质的质量分数为w,其中含有NH4+的物质的量是b mol,下列叙述正确的是(     ) A.溶质的质量分数w=×100% B.溶质的物质的量浓度c= mol·L-1 C.溶液中c(OH-)= mol·L-1+c(H+) D.向上述溶液中加入V mL水,所得溶液的质量分数大于0.5w根据汉语提示用单词的正确形式补充句子。小题1:There is no _______________(电) in the wire. Don’t worry. You can touch it.小题2:You should always read the _________________ (说明) carefully before taking medicines.小题3:He tried to get rid of the seaweed __________________(漂浮) on the surface of the water.小题4:During festivals, shops are decorated with ______________________(吸引人的) things so as to attract customers.小题5:I__________________(完全) forget about my appointment with the denist.
化学 试题推荐