
An actor might be frightened or nervous as he moved on to the stage in front of the audience that might be friendly or perhaps unfriendly , especially if he forgot his lines. But he had to go out . So, “to face the music” came to mean : having to go through something , no matter how unpleasant the experience might be , because you knew you had no choice . The other explanation comes from the army . Men had to face inspection(检阅)by their leader . The soldiers worried about how well they looked . Was their equipment clean—shiny enough to pass inspection ? Still , the men ha文艺复兴与宗教改革同属于思想解放运动,理由是(  ) A.都发生在资本主义萌芽和发展的时代 B.都具有反封建的性质,并把矛头对准天主教会 C.都借助古代文化 D.都没有采用暴力斗争的形式
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