
某种机器工作前先将空油箱加满,然后停止加油立即开始工作,当停止工作时,油箱中油量为.在整个过程中,油箱里的油量(单位:)与时间(单位:)之间的关系如图所示. (1)机器每分钟加油量为_____,机器工作的过程中每分钟耗油量为_____. (2)求机器工作时关于的函数解析式,并写出自变量的取值范围. (3)直接写出油箱中油量为油箱容积的一半时的值.    Are Canadians willing to help strangers? If you are in the 1.________ need of any help, such as asking the way, you can ask some 2.________ passer- by or policeman. They will be very happy to lend you hand. 3.________ Once I lose my way in Montreal and had to ask a passer- by 4.________ for direction. As you probably know, most the people in Montreal 5.________ speak French. The passer- by whom I turned for help seemed to 6.________ have some difficulty in understanding my English but perhaps 7.________ had more difficulty in expressing himself in English. So, he 8.________ managed to tell me how to get to my destination(目的地) by his 9.________ broken English. At that time, I was indeed very much moving by 10.________ his readiness to help a stranger.    
数学 试题推荐