
﹣24﹣2×(﹣3)+|2﹣5|﹣(﹣1)2013. 答案:﹣24﹣2×(﹣3)+|2﹣5|﹣(﹣1)2013 =﹣16+6+3﹣(﹣1) =﹣10+3+1 =﹣6 短文改错 One day I happened to find a chatting room on 1.________ my QQ, there people were chatting in English.I tried 2.________ to chat with some of them.To my surprised.I found 3.________ the oral English of some junior students were better 4.________ than me.I asked them for advice and they told me 5.________ to practise more on QQ.But every day after that I 6.________ would spend one hour practise my oral English on QQ. 7.________ Day by day I learned from many useful words and 8.________ expressions.With time went by, I found that I could 9.________ even communicate some college students freely. 10._________  
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