
阅读理解 Sitting is an art that isn't getting passed along. People these days feel as though they have to be doing something. If they are not working, they are jogging, or playing tennis or golf to guard against illnesses, or taking courses to improve their minds or bodies -- or they are parked in front of the TV. Sitting in front of the TV isn't sitting -- it's watching. People used to sit a whole lot. You would walk down the street or drive down the road, and there they would be, out on the doorsteps, sitting. You could go to the grocery to buy some garlic or some fruits and vegetables a(2008?岳阳)下列实验中,所得溶液的pH>7的是(  )A.向Na2CO3溶液中滴加Ca(OH)2溶液至恰好完全反应B.向盐酸中滴加NaOH溶液至恰好完全反应C.将C02通入一定量的水中D.向盐酸中加入一定量的水
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