
阅读理解Astronauts get to experience many interesting attractions.When astronauts go to space, they can become weightless. They get to see Earthas a little blue dot. Astronauts get to experience shooting up into space at 20,000 miles per hour. That is more than three times faster than an airplane. Still,food is not one of the interesting parts of being an astronaut. Space travelershave had to eat strange foods. One example is liquid salt and pepper. They havealso had to eat dried shrimp cocktail. The astronauts add water to it to makeit a liquid again before eating. However, the menu for a按要求填空。 1.按部首查字法,“昔”应查(  ),除去部首有(  )画。 2.用音序查字法,“曼”应查(  )。 3.给加粗字选个合适的解释。 绝望(①向远处看 ②探望 ③盼望、希望)
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