
听材料,回答问题。 (1) Where did the woman leave her suitcase? A . In the bedroom. B . In the dining room. C . In the sitting room. (2) What is the suitcase like? A . It's black, and made in Germany. B . It's shaped like a butterfly. C . It has a white chain attached to the handle. (3) What does the woman ask the man to do? A . Send the suitcase to the Emperor Hotel. B . Pay to send the suitcase. C . Send the suitcase to her office.某同学调节托盘天平平衡时,发现指针停在分度盘的右侧.要使天平平衡.应将横梁右端的平衡螺母向 ▲ (左/右)移动;当他用天平测物体质量时,发现指针偏向分度盘的左侧,这时应该在天平右盘中 ▲ (增加/减少)砝码;当他在天平右盘中放入50g、20g和5g的砝码各一个,并将游码拨到如图所示的位置时,指针恰好指在分度盘的中央,则被测物体的质量为 ▲ .
英语 试题推荐