
Mariska Hargitay, who plays a tough but beautiful detective on NBC’s Law & Order, recently 21 her childhood friend Annette Condon Tauber to breast cancer. “It was22 . Ann defined so much of who I am.” says the23 . “She was my champion and the most24friend.” Ann was diagnosed(诊断) in 2003, when she was 38, shortly after the birth of her fourth daughter. However, she never told them she was25 , hoping for a miracle and not wanting to burden her friends. “I understand her not wanting to26 ,” Hargitay says. “And to my mind, she did 27the disease to some extent.” By lat根据要求写出各数:①一个数由4个百亿、3个亿和5个万组成.②8分别在一个数十亿位、百万位和万位上,其余各位都是0.③由3个一亿、8个一万、6个一千组成的数.
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