
新型冠状病毒肺炎威胁着人们的身体健康。高温、紫外线、强酸强碱、强氧化剂等都能使新冠病毒的蛋白质外壳变性,起到消杀病毒的作用。为消杀新型冠状病毒,84消毒液、过氧乙酸、75% 的消毒酒精等医用消毒剂走进千家万户。资料一:84消毒液[有效成分为次氯酸钠(NaClO)]和ClO2 , 是常用的含氯消毒剂。资料二:酒精易挥发、易燃,常用作酒精灯和内燃机的燃料。使用75%的酒精消毒时一定要注意防火!资料三:过氧乙酸(C2H4O3)是一种高效消毒剂。根用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Please ____________ (say) hello to ____________ (he).2. Some books ____________ (be) in this bag. There is no ____________ (book) in that bag.3. ____________ (do) he have a map?  Yes, he ____________ (have).4. I know your name. He ____________ (know) your name, too.5. Can you ____________ (take) this football to his room?6. Steven always ____________ (wear) pants.7. Yesterday Jenny ____________ (eat) cereal for breakfast.8. Danny is ____________ (sit) in the chair.
化学 试题推荐