
我国自古以来就是一个多民族的国家。秦汉、魏晋南北朝时期是中华民族形成与发展的重要时期。结合所学知识回答问题请。 (1) 西周是被我国古代哪一少数民族所灭?春秋时期,诸侯争霸对民族关系产生了怎样的影响? (2) 请写出张骞第一次出使西域的目的。张骞出使西域最终起到了什么作用? (3) 我国北方游牧民族何时大规模内迁? (4) 南北朝时期为什么会出现民族大融合?(写出两点即可)根据提示补全句子。1. How many s ______ are there in a year? There are four.        2. It's A _______ 7th today. It's my b_______ .                  3. The dog is _______  (run).                                    4. The rabbit can _______ (jump) , and the bird can ______ (fly).5. _______ my bag? It's on the table.                            6. Listen! The bird is _________( sing).                         7. -_________ do you go home?                                        -I go home at 5:00.                                           8. Let ______ (I) see.                                           9. Look _______ the bird.                                        10. My mother ________ the clothes every morning.
历史 试题推荐