
选择氧气、氢气、二氧化碳、一氧化碳的化学式填空: (1) 有毒的气体是; (2) 能用于灭火的气体是; (3) 对环境保护最理想的燃料是; (4) 不能燃烧,但能支持燃烧的气体是; (5) 同时具有可燃性和还原的的气体是。 答案:【1】CO 【1】CO2 【1】H2 【1】O2 【1】H2、COVII. 写作(Writing)(共2题;A题满分10分,B题满分20分,计30分)A) Suppose you are Sally. You borrowed from Sophie a travel guide-book which you are now returning. Please write a thankful letter of about 80 words, in addition to those given. Use your imagination in creating details.Dear Sophie, Thank you for the guide-book you lent me six months ago. With the help of this book I was able to visit many places. Yours, Sally
化学 试题推荐