
This is a list of places to spend the 2020 Olympics if you aren't going to Japan.AustraliaThe fact that the summer Olympics fall during Australia's winter season is worth keeping in mind for two reasons: it makes traveling there cheaper, and it's still not too cold. As far as the Olympics are concerned, there will be no shortage of opportunities to watch the Games in between your various explorations of the country and its limitless activities.ThailandThailand is a breathtaking place 10 spend some time during any summer, and provides a perfect setting for Olympie viewing: You can go scuba divi如图所示,在青海玉树抗震救灾清理废墟过程中,解放军部队某战士用150kW的铲车开足马力工作.若铲车用5s匀速推进了3m,然后将1.5t的建筑废料举高3m装车运走,整个过程是连续的,若柴油发电机的热效率为34.5%.(q柴=3.3×107J/kg)求:(1)在推土过程,铲车受到的阻力.(2)在举高过程,铲车所做的功.(3)整个过程消耗柴油多少千克?
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