
The more you know about how colleges in the United States choose their students, the better chance you will have to get in. If you understand how to evaluate yourself, how to research schools, and how to see differences between one college and another, your chances will be very great.You will be choosing 10 or 12 colleges that you must get to know very well. You can read about them, research them online, and find other Chinese students at the school. You can email them about campus life. Find the email address of the admissions office on the college website and ask for the names and email addr2、下列实验操作叙述正确的是(  )A、加热物质时首先应预热B、倒液体药品时,试剂瓶随意拿C、量筒读数时,应放平,视线应与凹液面齐平D、制取气体前,应连接好装置并检查装置的气密性
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