
How to Be a Good Listener to Your FamilyCommunication is important for strong family relationships.【1】Working on your listening skills can help you communicate better and form stronger bonds.Listen actively.When listening to a family member,do not let your mind wander to other things.lt’s important to make your family member feel heard and valued.Put your phone away and give them your full attention.Never think about other things when someone is talking.【2】.Repeat what has been said.Breefly summarizing what the speaker has said can go along way towards effective c下列各项与“南冥者,天池也”句式不同的一项是A.项脊轩,旧南阁子也B.四人者,庐陵萧君圭君玉C.旦日飨士卒,为击破沛公军D.如今人方为刀俎,我为鱼肉
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