
如图,△ABC中,D在BC上,F是AD的中点,连CF并延长交AB于E,已知,则等于_____. 答案:【答案】.【解析】作DG∥CE,如图,利用平行线分线段成比例定理,由DG∥CE得到 ,设BG=2x,则GE=3x,由EF∥DG得到=1,所以AE=EG=3x,从而得到 的值.解:如图,作DG∥CE, ∵DG∥CE,∴,设BG=2x,则GE=3x,∵EF∥DG,F是AD的中点,∴=1,∴AE=EG=3x,∴ 。故答案为:.24、从方框中选出适当句子补全对话。     Nancy:Do you have any time this afternoon? Carol:1                                                                                                                            Nancy:Let's go to the zoo and see the dolphins show. Carol:Dolphins show? 2                                                                                                        Nancy:Because they're very lovely and cute. Carol:I like them,too.3                                                                                                        Nancy:We can get there by bus or by bike. Carol:OK.Let's get there by bike.4.                                                                                                          Nancy:What about two o'clock this afternoon? Carol: 5                                                                                                            Nancy:Let's meet outside the zoo gate.OK? Carol: All right.See you then. 评卷人 得分 四、阅读理解 (每空? 分,共? 分)
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