
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式 On June 8th, much of the world observes United Nations World Oceans Day. The idea is to remind people 【1】 important the world's oceans are to all life on Earth, to celebrate their 【2】 (beautiful), and to bring attention to the influence human activity has 【3】the oceans.This year, the theme is “Our Oceans, Our Future”, with special emphasis on finding solutions to plastic pollution, and preventing marine litter for a 【4】 (healthy) ocean and a better future. The world's oceans cover ne马丁·路德“九十五条论纲”发表的意义在于(  ) A.揭开了宗教改革运动的序幕            B.反驳了赎罪券的功效 C.否定了天主教会的神学说教            D.提出了“因信称义”的思想
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