
《西游记》和《水浒传》中有许多精彩的故事。请从下列四个故事中任选一个,简述其内容。(80字左右)①吃人参果;②收服红孩儿;③杨志卖刀;④武松醉打蒋门神。 答案:①“偷吃人生果”示例:唐僧师徒借宿五庄观。猪八戒听到镇元大仙的弟子在谈论唐僧不肯吃人参果的事情,便央求孙悟空去偷人参果来尝尝。孙悟空偷来人参果,他和沙僧细细品尝,而猪八戒心急,回圈吞咽,竟没尝出滋味。②“收服红孩儿”示例:红孩儿掳走唐僧。孙悟空敌不过红孩儿的三昧真火1.You should know you and most of the people you talk to are different in many ways Maybe your listeners know what you are talking about, while others don' t. So speak tothem on their terms, in their language.2.Looking at and talking to a person in the audience (听众)helps keep you natural, but it feels foolish talking to only one person. Speak to that person as long as it is comfortable with each other, usually up to 15seconds.3.When you talk, pay attention to what you want to say and let your gestures or body languages take care of themselves. If you always think about gestures, you will feel uncomfortable.4.People in an audience have a hard time to understand what they hear. They need your help Slow down, pause and guide the audience through your talk. Remember that your goal is to help the audience understand what you are saying, not to tell your in formation in record Time. A.Take it slow and easy B.Try not to think about your hands and facial expressions C.Put yourself in your listener s place D.Speak to one person at a time1.__________2.__________3.__________4.__________
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