
What defines who we are? Our habits? Our tastes? Our memories? Like many other people who speak more than one language, I often sense that I’ m a slightly different person in each of my languages — more confident in English, more relaxed in French, more sensitive in Czech. Is it possible that, my moral compass also points in somewhat different directions depending on the language I’ m using at the time?Psychologists who study moral judgments have become very interested in this question. In a research led by Albert Costa, volunteers were presented with a moral dilemma known as the “trol古诗默写(1)_______,关山度若飞。(2)当窗理云鬓,_________。(3)念天地之悠悠,_________。(4)_________,阴阳割昏晓。(5)荡胸生曾云,_________。(6)_________,柳暗花明又一村。(7)_________,衣冠简朴古风存。(8)_________,寒光照铁衣。(9)雄兔脚扑朔,_________。(10)会当凌绝顶,_________。(11)从今若许闲乘月,_________。(12)_________,赏赐百千强。(13)在《己亥杂诗》中用形象的比喻表明了作者要为国为民尽自己最后一份心力的句子是“_________,_________。”
英语 试题推荐