
关于“遵守纪律、严于律己”的名言警句。 答案:A.不要过分地醉心于放任自由,一点也不加以限制的自由,它的害处与危险实在不少。——克雷洛夫B.在危险关头,要拯救大家的生命,所有的人就得立即绝对服从一个人的意志。——恩格斯The Huanleduo Charity SaleSale on daily goods except foodsSCHOOL THINGS, BOOKS, TOYS, CLOTHES, CDSLOW prices on all things here LIST PRICESALE PRICE¥10¥6¥20¥10¥40¥18Sale takes place on March 30th.No telephone orders during the sale.CHANGJUN BILINGUAL EXPERIMENT SCHOOLAddress: 318 Chazishan RoadOpen time: 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.【1】Things that cost ¥60 are on the cheapest sale for ________.A.¥30B.¥24C.¥ 28【2】Which of the following is TRUE about the information above?A.You can buy things at the Sale at 9 a.m.B.You can buy pens, pencils and books at the Sale.C.You can order things by telephone during the Sale.
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