
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项 Michael is an Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran(老兵). Three years ago, he couldn't leave the house 1. He felt uncomfortable and anxious in 2places, but that all changed after he got his assistance dog Ojai. When my 3 wasn't with me, I was a mess. Because I get 4, I couldn't go into public by myself. However, I could go out on the subway or at a restaurant, 5 I had Ojai. I needn't 6 my wife for everything. Ojai was 7 at Canine Companions for Independe筷子斜插入水中的部分看上去向________(上/下)“弯”,这是因为光线从________斜射入________时发生了折射的原因.如下图所示,射一束激光至空水槽内的O点(做个标记),保持激光笔的位置不动,然后向水槽内注水.在注水过程中,水槽底部的光斑向________(选填“左”或“右”)移动.
英语 试题推荐