
用所给短语的正确形式填空 Out of work as a matter of fact in trouble turn to lose heart come to power set up be sentenced to fight for blow up (1) The scientist never when you are in trouble. (2) He was active in the freedom of the Negroes. (3) In 1963 Elias helped Mandela some government buildings although he didn't like violence. (4) He looked cruel but , he is a kind man. (5) If you don't work hard at your work , you will . (6) In 1962, he five years' hard labor for what he had done.如图表示细胞的生物膜系统的部分组成在结构与功能上的联系.COPⅠ、COPⅡ是囊泡,用于蛋白质在甲与乙之间的运输。下列相关叙述错误的是(  )A.COPⅠ及COPⅡ膜的主要成分与核膜相同B.COPⅠ主要是将蛋白质从高尔基体运动到线粒体C.COPⅡ与乙的融合体现了生物膜的流动性特点D.从乙转运到溶酶体的“货物”包括多种水解酶
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