
古代中国中央政府与管辖范围外的政权,建立的是以中国朝廷为中心的国际政治关系体系。中国中央政权成为这个体系的一元中心,各朝贡国承认这一中心地位,构成了等级性的中央政权的外藩。然而,鸦片战争后,这个体系逐步崩溃了。出现这一变化的原因不包括 A . 君主专制制度无法适应复杂多变、竞争激烈的国际新秩序 B . 小农经济为主体的国家经济难以与外国工业资本主义抗衡 C . 唯我独尊的闭关锁国心态无法应对开放多元的国际形势 D . 以Hello, boys and girls! Please come to our store. We have white and blue socks for 3 dollars. The black hat is only $ 4. The T-shirt is on sale for $8. We have red T-shirts, white T-shirts and black T-shirts. The white sweater is $ 16, the red sweater is $ 19 and the blue sweater is $20. We also have black pants and blue pants. They are $12. The shorts are $14 and the shoes are $ 16.Sunshine Clothes Store【1】We can buy _________in Sunshine Clothes Store.A. the white hat B. the black T-shirtC. the green sweater D. the yellow socks【2】How much are two black hats and a white sweater?A. $8. B. $36.C. $24. D. $22.【3】Can we buy white and blue socks at Sunshine Clothes Store?_________________________________________________________【4】将短文中画的句子译成汉语。_______________________________________________________
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