
如图装置适合做尾气吸收装置的是(填序号) 答案:【1】BC短文改错   Our school has a big library. It has many books   in different subjects. Students can borrow books 1.________ from the library. But they must return them back 2.________ on time. If they lose any books, they must pay on 3.________ it. Miss Yang works in the library. She is very 4.________ kind for the students. One morning Han Meimei 5.________ hurried in, she told Miss Yang that she could not 6.________ find a library book somewhere. At that moment, 7.________ Lucy came into the library with Meimei's library 8.________ book. She looked for it in the classroom. Meimei 9.________ said that she would be more carefully from then on. 10.________
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