
解方程: (1) (2) 答案:解:去括号得:5x-25+2x=-4, 移项合并得:7x=21, 解得:x=3 解:去括号得:x- 32 + 3−x2 = 13 , 去分母得:6x-9+9-3x=2, 移项合并得:3x=2, 解得:x= 23阅读短文,判断对错,对的打T, 错误的打F。My name is Li Shan. I am ten. I am a student(学生) in Grade 4. We have many subjects at school. Today is Monday. We have Chinese, Math and English this morning. We have PE and Music in the afternoon. I like English very much. Do you like English?【1】I am in Grade 5. (_______)【2】Today is Monday. (_______)【3】Li Shan has 3 subjects this morning. (_______)【4】Li Shan doesn’t have PE in the afternoon. (_______)【5】Li Shan likes English very much. (_______)
数学 试题推荐