
实验室利用SO2合成硫酰氯(SO2Cl2),并对H2SO3和HClO的酸性强弱进行探究。 (1) I.磺酰氯(SO2Cl2)是一种重要的有机合成试剂,实验室可利用SO2与Cl2在活性炭作用下反应,制取少量的SO2Cl2 , SO2(g)+Cl2(g) = SO2Cl2(l),该反应放热,装置如图所示(部分夹持装置省略)。已知SO2Cl2的熔点为-54.1℃,沸点为69.1℃,遇水能发生剧烈的水解反应,并产生白雾。回答下列问题。 甲装置可以用于实验室制SO2 , 则下列试剂组合中合适的是______。 A . 18.4 mol·L-1的硫酸和Cu Read Culture Corner and choose the best answers. (阅读Culture Corner并选择最佳答案。) (1) Who is the first person in space? [  ] A. Yuri Gagarin. B. Sharon MacAuliffe. C. Ronald Reagon. (2) Sharon MacAuliffe was the first ________ who was to be in space. [  ] A. atronaut B. president C. teacher (3) How many disasters does the passage tell us? [  ] A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. (4) When did the Challenger exploded? [  ] A. During a training. B. Soon after launching. C. Soon after landing. (5) Israel’s first astronaut died in a disaster in ________. [  ] A. 1961 B. 1986 C. 2003
化学 试题推荐