
For kids and many adults,a San Diego vacation means theme parks and other attractions.Before heading to a park,call or check its website for updated hours of operation; many parks have seasonal or holiday hours.Ticket prices listed here are for general admission(入场费),single-day use only. Sea World San Diego A 6-minute ride called Journey to Atlantis,which is to open in late May,tells the legend of the island nation. After the ride of Greek fishing boats,folks can visit a new exhibit of dolphins,which have not been on display at the park since 1998. DETAILS: General admission is20.“盛锡福”是京华老字号企业(如图为其商标).刘锡三创办帽厂正值民国初年,人们剪掉长辫,摘掉瓜皮小帽。刘锡三适时引进英、法、美等国的呢帽,在时帽市场一炮打响。材料表明该企业在当时得到迅速发展的主要原因是(  )A.清政府放宽了对民间设厂的限制B.辛亥革命与社会习俗改革的推动C.广大人民群众反帝爱国运动的推动D.帝国主义国家放松了对中国的经济侵略
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