
(2011四川泸州,25,7分)如图,一艘船以每小时60海里的速度自A向正北方向航行,船在A处时,灯塔S在船的北偏东30°,航行1小时后到B处,此时灯塔S在船的北偏东75°,(运算结果保留根号)(1)求船在B处时与灯塔S的距离;(2)若船从B处继续向正北方向航行,问经过多长时间船与灯塔S的距离最近. 答案:解:(1)延长AB,作SC⊥AC,垂足为C.设SC=x.在Rt△ASC中,AC=xcot30°= x;在Rt△BSC中,BC=xcot75°=(2-)x.∵AB=60海里,又∵AB=AC-BC= 3x-(2-)x=(2-2)x,∴(2-2)x=60,解得:x=15(+1)海里.BS= xsin75°=30海里.故(1)BS=30海里;(2)船与灯塔S的最近距离为CS,船的航行时间为小时.解析:略7、Life in Senior 3 is both tiring, exciting and meaningful.  As it is known to us, it is far from relaxing and easy. 76. ___________  Every minute counts. Working late into night is often the 77. ___________  case. There is much homework or we have to take many 78. ___________  exams. Morever, we are sure to go across 79. ___________  and overcome a lot of difficulties in my studies. We 80. ___________  have made constant and great progress under the help 81. ___________  of the teachers. Besides our lessons, we also manage 82. ___________  to make fully use of free time to relax ourselves, girls reading 83. ___________  colorful magazines and boys play basketball. Busy and 84. ___________  tiring as we are, we still feel happy and confident of our future. 85. ___________ 
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