
对于反应:4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) 4NO(g) + 6H2O(g), 下列为四种不同情况下测得的反应速率,其中能表明该反应进行最快的是 A. v(NH3)= 0.2mol·L-1·s-1                  B. v(O2 )= 0.24 mol·L-1·s-1 C. v(H2O )= 0.25 mol·L-1·s-1          D. v(NO) = 0.15 mol·L-1·s-1 答案:A完形填空Dear Peter,Thank you for your last letter. You asked me about_______ to go in our town. The Downtown Mall is_______ fun. It's a shopping center in the oldest part of the town. There are some good_______ and restaurants there. For example, Andrea's Booty is in the Downtown Mall. It's a fun place to_______. And it has the best quality clothes. My_______ restaurant in town is Sam's Cafe. It is _______ my home. I can walk there. It's_______ and the hamburgers there are great. I also_______ Modern City Restaurant. You can get wonderful noodles there and the noodles are the_______ delicious in town. Also, you must ________ the dumplings there. But they're more________ than those in Sam's Cafe.The City Cinema is the best cinema. It has the biggest ________ and the most comfortable seats.The Del Ray is a________ place to go to for the movies, too. It doesn't have the newest movies, ________ the tickets are the cheapest.Please come and ________ us for a visit.Yours,Kate1.A.what B.when C.why D.where2.A.never B.always C.sometimes D.still3.A.stores B.schools C.offices D.hospitals4.A.play B.swim C.eat D.shop5.A.favorite B.trendy C.only D.famous6.A.at B.near C.from D.under7.A.ugly B.terrible C.cheap D.dirty8.A.clean B.hold C.like D.need9.A.less B.least C.more D.most10.A.have B.try C.drink D.cook11.A.expensive B.difficult C.common D.interesting12.A.service B.screens C.tables D.movies13.A.bad B.safe C.good D.dull14.A.so B.if C.though D.but15.A.welcome B.enjoy C.join D.help
化学 试题推荐