
取一小块金属钠放在燃烧匙里加热,下列实验现象:①金属先熔化;②在空气中燃烧,放出黄色火花;③燃烧后得白色固体;④燃烧时火焰为黄色;⑤燃烧后生成浅黄色固体物质。描述正确的是(    ) A.①②                     B.①②③                    C.①④⑤                    D.④⑤根据中文及句意写单词。1. Edison ________(发明)about l,000 inventions during his life. 2. Li Zhonghua is one of the greatest ________(飞行员)in China. 3. Yao Ming has played basketball well in the NBA. He is the ________(骄傲)of China.4. Everyone is here. No one is ________(缺席的). 5. Having too many cooks ________(搞糟)the broth. 6. Everyone can be ________(成功)someday.
化学 试题推荐