
某无色溶液中含有K+、Cl-、OH-、SO2-3、SO2-4,为检验溶液中所含有的各阴离子,限用的试剂有:盐酸、硝酸、硝酸银溶液、硝酸钡溶液、溴水和酚酞试液。检验其中OH-的实验方法从略,检验其他阴离子的过程如下图所示。 (1)图中试剂①~⑤溶质的化学式分别是:     ①         ,②        ,③        ,④          ,⑤          (2)图中现象a、b、c表明检验出的离子分别是:      a          ,b         ,c       听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。【1】Who is the speaker?A. An official. B. A tourist. C. A guide.【2】When can you come if you want to see how bread was baked 200 years ago?A. On Sunday afternoon. B. On Tuesday morning. C. On Saturday afternoon.【3】Where did Sir Henry come from?A. England. B. The USA. C. France.【4】What do we know about Sir Henry?A. He baked bread every afternoon.B. His wife died before the castle was finished.C. He had built the castle in England.
化学 试题推荐