
语法填空 A robot appeared with British lawmakers(立法者) earlier this week to show how machines are being engineered to act like human beings. The robot is called Pepper. It is known as a humanoid, a machine 202. (design) to look and act like a person.Pepper 203. (call)to sit with the Education Committee in Britain's House of Commons last Tuesday. The parliament announced it was the first time that a robot 204. (appear) for being questioned by lawmakers. Japan's SoftBank Robotics launched Pepper in 2014. The robot appearing in Parliament belongs to 205. 4.依次填入下面空格处,最恰当的一项是(  )   河乃       ,不舍昼夜,又为       。然而逝去的是水,不是河。自其变者而观之,河乃时间;自其不变者而观之,河又似乎永恒。桥上人观之不厌的,也许就是这逝而犹在、常而恒迁的生命。而桥,两头抓住逃不走的岸,中间放走抓不住的河,这件事的意义,形而上的可供        ,形而下的不妨任       。①逝者之别名    ②时间之隐喻    ③玄学家去苦思    ④诗人们来歌咏。A.①②③④B.②①③④C.①②④③D.②①④③
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